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  Qtopia and Mac OS X (mini tutorial)  

  Overview    Creating an application    Building    Download   

This page explains very briefly how to create Qtopia applications using Mac OS X. It is assumed that you have already compiled native and cross versions of Qtopia.

You won't find any details about Qt and Qtopia here, but there are plenty of tutorials on the web (and also in the documentation included with Qt - take a look at the folder "<src-dir>/qtopia.mac/qt-x11/doc"). If you find something on the web, please be careful with instructions about setting QTDIR, TMAKEPATH, and similar environment variables. Chances are that these instructions won't work unaltered on the Mac, but below you can find a script that should make things fairly easy.

The mini application on Qtopia/Mac OS X

  Overview    Creating an application    Building    Download   

First, create a directory that will contain all files for the application. It will be just a minimal example with two push buttons and a dialog box.

In order to display any GUI elements, we need a main widget for the application. The class for this widget is defined in a header file (called "mini.h" here) like this:

#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>

class Mini : public QWidget {
    Mini(QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags flags = 0);
    QPushButton* _sayHiButton;
    QPushButton* _exitButton;
public slots:
    void sayHi();   // Slot connected with "Say hi" button
    void exit();    // Slot connected with Exit button
    QGridLayout* _miniLayout;
The two data members of type QPushButton point to the buttons used in the mini application. The slots sayHi() and exit() react to clicks on these buttons. Finally, _miniLayout points to the layout used (a simple grid layout).

The following is the implementation of the main widget. Place this in a file called "mini.cpp":

#include "mini.h"

#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>

// say hi
void Mini::sayHi() {
    QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Mini"), tr("hi"));

// quit the application
void Mini::exit() {

// ctor
Mini::Mini(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags flags)
    : QWidget(parent, name, flags) {
    setCaption(tr("Qtopia Mini App"));
    _miniLayout = new QGridLayout(this);
    _sayHiButton = new QPushButton(this);
    _sayHiButton->setText(tr("Say hi!"));
    _miniLayout->addWidget(_sayHiButton, 0, 0);

    _exitButton = new QPushButton(this);
    _miniLayout->addWidget(_exitButton, 1, 0);

    connect(_sayHiButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sayHi()));
    connect(_exitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(exit()));

sayHi() and exit() do exactly what their names say. Everything else happens in the constructor:

  • The caption of the widget is set to "Qtopia Mini App".
  • A simple grid layout and two buttons are created. The buttons are added to the layout in column 0 and lines 0 and 1.
  • The layout is adjusted a little by setting the margin.
  • Finally, the slots are connected to the clicked signals of the push buttons.

The last source file for the mini app is the one containing the main() function (called "main.cpp" here):

#include "mini.h"
#include <qtopia/qpeapplication.h> 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QPEApplication app(argc, argv);
    Mini m;
    return app.exec();

  Overview    Creating an application    Building    Download   

You can create a Makefile for a Qtopia application by hand, but it's easier to use Trolltech's tmake. This tool will read a project file with details about the application and create a Makefile from it. Here is how the project file ("mini.pro") for the mini app looks like:

TEMPLATE        = app
CONFIG          = qt warn_on debug
HEADERS         = mini.h
SOURCES         = main.cpp mini.cpp
INCLUDEPATH     += $(QPEDIR)/include
DEPENDPATH      += $(QPEDIR)/include
LIBS            += -lqpe
TARGET          = mini
The TEMPLATE basically says whether we have a lib or an application. The CONFIG entry can be used for configuring the build process (like if a debug or release version should be built). TARGET is the name of the executable to create. The rest of the settings determines the sources of the application and its dependencies. (QPE means "Qt Palmtop Environment" and is frequently used as an abbreviation for Qtopia.)

Now that you have a project file, you can run tmake to generate a Makefile from it (controlled via environment variables). To make development easier, you can use this script which works like this:

  > cd /some/path
  > ./makeenv.sh --srcdir <src-dir> --workdir <work-dir>
<src-dir> and <work-dir> are the same as the ones used for building the cross-compiler and Qtopia. The script will generate two files: "native.env" and "cross.env". These can be used to set all variables necessary for building and executing native and cross versions of applications.

First, let's build a native version of the mini application:

  > source /some/path/native.env
  > cd <directory with the mini.pro and source files>
  > tmake -o Makefile mini.pro
  > make
"native.env" takes care of setting all environment variables (including PATH so that tmake can be found). After that, tmake creates a Makefile, and make finally builds the native version of the mini app.

To run the application in the native qtopia environment, start Qtopia and enter the following in an xterm:

  > source /some/path/native.env
  > cd <directory with the mini files>
  > ./mini
The mini app should now show inside qvfb.

The last step is to cross-compile the application for use on a Zaurus (or iPAQ running Opie). The easiest way to do this is to re-create the Makefile, but this time for cross-compilation (you can of course also create two distinct Makefiles):

  > source /some/path/cross.env
  > cd <directory with the mini files>
  > make clean
  > tmake -o Makefile mini.pro
  > make
You should now be able to run the mini executable on the Zaurus (and trying to run on the Mac will produce an error message).

This was only a very short intruction, and you should go search the web and Trolltech's documentation for more information. Happy hacking!

  Overview    Creating an application    Building    Download   

Script for creating native and cross environment scripts (4 KB)makeenv.sh

Last update: 06/14/2003